
Monday, September 19, 2011

Problems encountered for researching Cloud Computing

Problems encountered with researching this topic was that i was difficult to find information on how cloud computing works and ins easy to understand I was bale to overcome this by finding videos on youtube that explained this topic quite well and doing better research.

Another issue I had with this topic was trying to upload the video I had I was able to overcome this by finding a way to embed the video into the powerpoint show.

Problems encountered for researching Social Networking

The problem with researching social networking was that it was difficult to find future direction of social networking I was able to overcome this by doing extensive reseach and using different search engines to find a good website that gave good information.

Another issue I had with researching this topic was that it was difficult to find information on how social networking works again I was able to overcome this by doing better research.

Problems encountered for researching CPUs

A problem that I encounterd was that the language used on a lot of the websites was far too technical and difficult to understand, I was able to overcome this problem by doing further research to fine website with excellent information and yet being easy to understand. 

Another issue was that it was difficut to find private website explaing the types of CPUs as most websites were of public companies only outling the advantages of the type of CPU  as those are website are made for advertising purposes. 

Problems encountered for reseraching handheld devices

It took long to find generalised information on the way handheld deices worked as opposed to the function of specific devices, I was able to overcome this by typing better keywords on google which led me to a good website that gave me an insight to the generalised method of functioning for handheld devices.

Another problem was that there were lots of types if handheld devices and it took very long describe each one and discuss advantages and disadvantages of each I was able to overcome this by managing my time efficiently and working in an organised manner.

Friday, September 16, 2011

References for ebook project

Saturday, September 10, 2011

ebook research: Cloud Computing

What is cloud computing:
- Cloud computing is the delivery of computing as a service rather than a product, where resources are shared, software and information are provided to computers and other devices as a utility over a network usually the internet.
more info:

- Cheap
- better performance   
Unlimited storage 
- less chances of work getting destroyed.
- your stuff is always in the cloud so you don have to worry about your work saved on another computer 
- easier collaboration 
- Device independance 
- Need internet 
- some application reqire the presence of a hard drive 
- connection to peripherals 
- what if the cloud disappears 
- Confidentiality issues 
- loss of comtrol 

more info:

How cloud Computing works:
refer to: 

Types of cloud computing:
- Public cloud 
- Private Cloud 
- Hybrid cloud 
- community 


Saturday, September 3, 2011

ebook research: CPUs

What are CPUs

The CPU is the brain `of the computer. Sometimes referred to simply as the central processor, but more commonly called processor, the CPU is where most calculations take place. In terms of computing power, the CPU is the most important element of a computer system.

Types Of CPUs:

- Dual core
- Single Core 
- Multi core 
- atom 

How a CPU works: 
refer to:

Future developments: 

refer to:

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Research for eBook: Social Networking

What is social networking:  

- Social networking, also referred to as social media, includes many Internet  based tools that make it easier for people to listen, interact, engage and collaborate with each other. Social networking such as  such as Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, blogs, message boards and countless others make this possible.
- It is a great communication tool. 

Advantages of social networking:
- Keep in touch 
- Easier travelling 
- Make new friends 
- cost effective
share information, and exchange files and pictures
- good promotional tool 
- people can put up bad things 
- identity theft and fraud 
- promote stalking 
- online harassment 

Future of Social Networking: